12月18日にヒルトン東京で『FORMULA DRIFT JAPAN & FORMULA GYMKHANA NIGHT 2024』を開催いたしました。
その際に、FORMULA DRIFT のライアン・セージ社長よりメッセージを頂きましたので紹介いたします。
皆さん、こんばんは。私はFormula Driftの社長であり共同創設者のライアン・セージです。今夜はお招きいただきありがとうございます。こうして皆さんとお話できる機会を与えていただいたこと、とても感謝しています。
All right. Good evening, everybody. My name is Ryan Sage. I’m the president and, co-founder of Formula Drift. And, it’s a real honor to be here tonight. I just have a few things that I’d like to say and and be super appreciative of the opportunity that this is about a key part of you.
How much time do you need? I’m going to give you, like, a sentence or two or the first thing that I’ll say this is the shoes that I’m wearing are Shohei Ohtani signature shoe.
さて、私の個人的な意見になりますが、この靴は日本から輸出入されたものの中で二番目に良いものだと考えています。私が何を言おうとしているか、もうおわかりですね。 1番はショウヘイ・オオタニです。今、アメリカの人々はオオタニにとても興味を持っています。リトルリーグでプレーする子供たちは皆、投手と打者になることを夢見ていますが、その両方を可能な限り高いレベルで達成できるアスリートは野球界でただ一人しかいません。
Now, my personal opinion is I consider that to be the second best import or export from Japan. And I’m sure you can guess what I think. Number one is correct. Now, Americans have a massive fascination with Ohtani. Every child that plays Little League dreams of being a pitcher and a hitter, and there’s really only one athlete in all of baseball that has been able to do both of those things at the highest possible level.
He is probably one of the best all around athletes to ever exist in any sport. So why bring that up? Well, the reason is because he is doing something that appears to be impossible. And in many ways, drifting is kind of the same thing. It’s doing something with the car that really nobody thinks is or should be possible, and along the way, doing that has changed the way that we see all of motor sport.
It’s on every car commercial that you see. The word drift is part of society and the social site guys. And from where I’m from, it’s the envy of NASCAR, IndyCar and all of the road racing events that are out there because it’s relevant and it appeals to modern youth culture. But but more than anything, what’s the most important to me is that it has given many people’s lives real meaning.
Drivers and athletes that would have never been able to be part of a sport because they weren’t rich or affluent. Now, to have something that is their own, that is achievable for them and what comes with that are shops, mechanics, marketing people, video fabricators, parts suppliers and a whole bunch of other jobs. And so therefore, there is a rich and fruitful industry that has developed on the back of this sport.
And so if there’s anything that I’m proud of, I in my career over close to 25 years, it’s that we have really helped other other people’s lives in a truly purposeful and meaningful way. And here in Japan, this is really the only other place that has valued that aspect of the sport. It’s not to go out and chase riches.
決してエゴを高めるためでもなければスーパースターになるためでもない。 謙虚であろうとすること、リーダーであろうとすること。そして他の人々の模範となり、彼らが夢を追うことができるようにすることだと思います。華やかさや利益を得ることはあまりないけれど、より大きな利益のために犠牲を払い続ける人たちがいます。私たちの素晴らしい友人である岩田さんや彼のスタッフたちに、私はありがとうと伝えたいです。
It’s not to build up your ego. It’s not to be a superstar. It’s to try and be humble, be a leader and an example to others so that they can follow their dreams. And so, while not often glamorous or even profitable, those that continue to make the sacrifice for the greater good, like our wonderful friend Mr. Iwata and his staff to you I say thank you.